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Easiest way to get mending in survival bedrock Xbox One?

  • #1 Jun 30, 2019

    hi all, first post. Recently gotten back into Minecraft and have been playing in my world for about a week. My bow is Unbreaking III, infinity, power iv—- and my Pickaxe is fortune III, Unbreaking III, and efficiency iv—- what's the easiest way to manufacture mending books to combine with my items? Not just these two but all my stuff? Any advice helps thanks

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  • #2 Jun 30, 2019

    Villager trading!

    It's the only reliable way.

    You can easily get bows and fishing rods with Mending from fishing but Mending books are very rare.

    I have more than a full double chest full of enchanted books (and nearly a double chest of fish) from fishing and only one has Mending, in the Java edition.

    If you do a lot of exploring you can get lucky and find them in chests but don't count on it.

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    Just testing. :P

  • #3 Jun 30, 2019

    Build an AFK fishing machine and leave it running overnight. You'll get a mending book every 8 hours or so, which is free if you do it while you're asleep.

    AFK fishing machines automate the process of fishing, so all you need to do it place a rock on the "use" button on your controller.

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  • #4 Sep 4, 2019

    I play on Xbox One and the villager method doesn't really work. It does not show you what the enchanted book that the villager is offering until you actually trade. So you can not just keep replacing the lectern. Only way is to make a copy of the world and reload it each time which is quite time consuming, and I am not 100% sure if Mending would ever be the first book offered by the villager. I need Mending! Fishing is not yielding anything for me either.

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  • #5 Sep 4, 2019

    Villager trading!

    It's the only reliable way.

    You can easily get bows and fishing rods with Mending from fishing but Mending books are very rare.

    I have more than a full double chest full of enchanted books (and nearly a double chest of fish) from fishing and only one has Mending, in the Java edition.

    If you do a lot of exploring you can get lucky and find them in chests but don't count on it.

    That's about it. In playing Minecraft for many years, I have onky found 1 book with mending in a dungeon chest, and that was a surprise because it was just after it was added to the game. On the other hand as mentioned, while rare you can get a lot from AFK fishing if you spend enough hours at it. with Lure III and Luck of the Sea III on a mending rod you can fill a double chest with stuff in about an hour or so a lot of which is books. I generally expect to find 1 book with mending in it in about 20-30 hours of AFK fishing.

    Can be done though. Last world I played a lot, I had a full set of armor, and all my diamond tools with mending but I had played that world for over a year pretty heavily. Versus Haxalobular, I've never had a villager offer me a book with mending, but that's just what random means.

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