How to Get Rid of Black Marks Near Lips
Is uneven skin tone bringing your beauty game down? Well, it's unbelievable how common this skin concern is, as every other person we know seems to be suffering from it. Uneven skin tone, especially on the face, can be a big turn-off. It can be even more prominent when it appears on the area around your mouth which is more prone to drying quickly. And, the skin around lip and chin can make the entire face appear darker and unattractive. Frustrating, right?
Well, we've got you some natural solutions. Rely on these home remedies that will help you get rid of dark rings around the mouth...
- Home remedies to get rid of skin pigmentation
- Causes of skin pigmentation
- When to see a doctor
- FAQs about skin pigmentation
Home remedies to get rid of skin pigmentation

1. Lemon juice

Citric acid present in lemon juice helps prevent the occurrence of dark skin cells and heals dark patches. Which is why, lemon juice makes for one of the best remedies when it comes to bleaching your skin naturally.
How to use: All you need to do is cut a lemon into halves, take one half and gently rub it around your mouth area for about 10-15 minutes. Finish it off with a rinse.
How often should you use: Use it twice a day, once in every three days.
2. Oatmeal scrub

Oatmeal works wonders in helping you naturally achieve a lighter and brighter complexion. It helps impart an even skin tone by exfoliating away dead skin cells and trapped impurities.
How to use: To prepare this scrub, all you need is oatmeal, tomato juice and olive oil for face pack. Apply the mixture on your face and scrub for some time. Rinse away with cold water.
How often should you use: You can use it once everyday
3. Papaya

Rich in Vitamin A and C, papayas help the area around your mouth to become light and even.
How to use: Simply make a thick paste out of raw papaya slices and rose water. Apply the mask on your skin and let it sit for 30 minutes. Wash it off with cold water.
How often should you use: 2-3 times a week
4. Potato

The bleaching properties infused in potatoes help remove skin pigmentation and works best on sensitive skin.
How to use: Get rid of those dark patches around your mouth by slicing a medium-sized potato into two and massaging it gently around your mouth in circular motions. Massage for 20 minutes before rinsing with water.
How often should you use: Daily
5. Turmeric

Turmeric not only treats hyperpigmentation but also reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
How to use: To prepare this mask, mix turmeric powder and rose water in a bowl and apply the mask on the dark patches around your mouth. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water.
How often should you use: Daily
6. Milk

Often, you might have heard of people using milk on their face to brighten it. That's because the lactic acid contained in milk is very helpful in reducing pigmentation on the skin. Even buttermilk is known to lighten your skin.
How to use: Simply soak a cotton ball in milk and rub it on the dark patches on your face.
How often should you use: Use it on your face daily and for best results, use it twice a day.
7. Aloe vera

Aloe vera contains aloin and aloesin, both of which are believed to have skin lightening properties. These chemicals help in diminishing hyperpigmentation by destroying the existing melanin cells and preventing their further formation.
How to use: Simply apply aloe vera gel on the pigmented areas and let it dry. You can use store-bought gel or extract some on your own from your aloe vera plant at home.
How often should you use: Apply on your face twice daily.
8. Onion juice

While they may make you cry, onions are known for their antioxidants and skin lightening properties. This makes onion juice one of the most effective remedies for pigmentation treatment at home. In addition, it also nourishes skin cells.
How to use: Grate an onion finely and squeeze out its juice. Add some water to it and dab it on your face using a cotton ball. Allow it to dry and rinse it off with plain water.
How often should you use: Twice daily.
9. Apple cider vinegar

Since apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, it exfoliates dead skin cells, thereby revealing heathier skin beneath. In addition, it is filled with polyphenols, pectin, and carotenoids—all of which help in reducing hyperpigmentation and can make your skin look clearer.
How to use: Prepare a mask by mixing 1 tablespoon gram flour with 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon rose water. Apply it all over your face, let it sit for 15 minutes and wash it off with water.
How often should you use: Twice a week
10. Sandalwood

One of the most soothing remedies for skincare, sandalwood is also one of the best ways to get rid of marks and blemishes on your face. Sandalwood also lends your face a beautiful, natural glow.
How to use: Mix milk and sandalwood powder and apply on the face. Let it dry and wash it off with lukewarm water.
How often should you use: Daily
11. Green tea

A lot has been written about the benefits of green tea for the body and the skin. However, what not many know is that it is one of the remedies to get rid of pigmentation at home. Gentle on the skin, green tea reduces inflammation and diminishes dark spots, giving you brighter skin.
How to use: Steep green tea bags in hot water, let it cool and dab the mixture using a cotton ball over your face. Let it dry and wash off for glowing skin.
How often should you use: 1-2 times a week
Causes of skin pigmentation

Hyperpigmentation may affect the entire body or occur in smaller patches on different parts. When it comes to pigmentation on the face, it can be frustrating to deal with it. There's various reasons why you see patches and discoloration on the skin, and here are some common causes of the same:
- Excess production of melanin
- Reaction to chemotherapy drugs
- Skin inflammation
- Excessive exposure to the sun
- Medical conditions such as Addison's disease
When to see a doctor

If home remedies and topical creams aren't helping in the matter, then you might need to consult a dermatologist. Based on your condition, he/she may suggest aggressive ways to banish discoloration, such as chemical peels, microdermabrasion, or dermabrasion,
FAQs about skin pigmentation

Q. What can I drink for pigmentation?
A. Drinking 2-3 litres of water everyday is essential to keep your skin healthy and flush out the toxins. When it comes to tackling pigmentation, carrot and beetroot juice is one of the best drinks. Papaya juice will also give you brighter skin.
Q. What foods get rid of pigmentation?
A. Foods rich in Vitamin C are helpful in reducing pigmentation on the skin. So make sure you include oranges, papaya, cherries, grapes, bell peppers, avocado, broccoli and carrots in your everyday diet.
Q. Can pigmentation be removed by laser?
A. Yes, laser pigmentation removal is a gentle and non-invasive procedure for getting rid of discoloration permanently. Spots start fading a month after the treatment.
Q. How long does it take for hyperpigmentation to fade?
A. Depending on the discoloration on your skin and the treatments you are undergoing, it may take at least 6 months to a year for the spots to fade, and even more. However, do know that some spots may never fade.
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How to Get Rid of Black Marks Near Lips
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