Vampire Description Creative Writing

Describing a zombie is made simple with this grid of words to help you. It is in 5 levels, so there is something for everyone. The best way to approach the grid is to pick the words you understand and put them in to your story. I will put in some sample paragraphs at the end of this post to show you how. My new book will available on Amazon soon. It is called 'Writing with Stardust' and it is the ultimate descriptive guide for students, teachers and lovers of english. It comes with a fill in the blanks workbook which also has hints on planning and writing an essay. To check it out just click on the book title Writing with Stardust or any of the book images at the bottom of the post.

Enjoy the post:


Movement stumblingstaggering lurchinglumbering totteringteetering careeringshambling and floundering jerking like road killthe spasms of the damned
Skin milkypearly pale, albinocold, snowy arctic-whiteblanched corpse-whitequicklime-white decomposingnecrotic
Eyes crazydiseased demonicfeverish maniacalchaotic frenziedrabid blood-rimmedmessianic
Smell yuckytoxic decayingrotting putridfetid rancidrank malodorouseffluvial
They smelled of: sludge and rotting fleshstale feet and sweaty socks graves and overripe fruitgunk and skunk mongrel   and mildewpond life and wharf   rat gangrene and gorecompost and corpses crud and cadaversbarrow wight and baboon
Adjectives They were: vile creaturesbeastly










Sounds of the   gore-fest cracking our bonesclamping their fangs champing on legschomping on arms slurping on bloodslobbering their drool gnawing on entrailsgobbling flesh quaffing   blood masticating   on innards
Physical Sensations of fear eye-poppingheart-pumping skin-tinglinghead-clasping spine-chillingteeth-chattering flesh-creepingblood-curdling bowel-looseningsphincter-tightening
Emotional Sensations of fear spellboundparalyzed with fear panic-strickenscarecrow silent unhingedunmanned dumbstruckthunderstruck soul-harrowedmoonstruck
Other Features cruel, razor-thin lipstilted heads tombstone teethsickly skin lank, straggly hairmaggoty   clothes waxy, clammy handseyes as cold as an eels guttural   voicesmisbegotten


  If you were to write a Level 1 paragraph, it might be as simple as this:

1. The zombies were stumbling and staggering towards me.

2. I screamed out loud as their pearly, milky skin gleamed under the moonlight.

3. Their crazy, diseased eyes terrified me.

4. I could smell the toxic pong from their body odours.

5. They smelled of sewer sludge and my father's sweaty socks.

6. They were beastly creatures from the caves of hell.

7. I could hear them cracking bones and clamping their fangs on my neighbours next door.

8. My heart was thumping and my eyes were popping.

9. I was spellbound and paralyzed with fear. I couldn't move.

10. Their tilted heads moved and one of them bit me. It was going to be a long day………

A Level 3 passage should have more imagination. You should also incorporate your own ideas and make the story flow. You might also try to make it humorous and put in some dialogue between characters.

It started out as a nice day, as all good horror stories do. We ambled through the forest merrily, trying to reach my grandmother's house before nightfall. She owned a house made entirely of candy and caramel and we were looking forward to visiting it for the first time.

Hansel and Gretel were with me, sporting their wanna-mess-with-me look, as always. They left their Rottweilers off the leash now that there was no sign of humans they could attack.The sun was a bright delight, although it was dipping behind the trees. The birds were tweeting hands-free and the world was a golden joy. We must have taken a wrong turn, however, because we ended up outside a cave as the moon glinted evilly through the trees.

There was a putrid smell from the cave. It smelled of pond life and wharf rat and our noses crinkled with disgust. Suddenly, this mutant-type creature tottered and teetered out of the cave.

"Who's that?" said Hansel. "Looks like Sig Larsson from up our way."

"The hell you say," said Gretel. "That there's one of them zombie folk."

I must admit something here. I nearly left one off in my shorts at the sight of him. His skin was arctic-white and glistened in the moonlight. He had lank, straggly hair and chaotic, maniacal eyes that burned with madness. His teeth were like a line of broken tombstones and his breath stank like the vomit from a drunken sailor. Then, from nowhere, the two Rottweilers hurled themselves at the zombie.

There was a yelp, a whine and two cracks. The blood-slurping began. He munched his way through those mutts like they were gerbils. It was spine-chilling to watch him at work, his eyes fixed on us as he slobbered Rottweiler drool down his chin. In a moment of pity, I looked at him and almost felt sorry for the fella. Instead, I unloaded on him with my AK-47 and riddled him with bullets.

"Good shootin'," said Gretel. "Let's go to your Grandma's…..and she'd better be nice 'cos I'm feeling kinda tense after watching Ducky and Lipstick die….."

For much more of the above, please check out my book Writing with Stardust by clicking on any of the book images below.



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Vampire Description Creative Writing


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