what to do with a rental house thats been trashed

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Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the Firm Beyond Recog past Kat (Colorado) on August 20, 2009 @14:20
We had a family unit of eight (2 parents, 6 kids) living in our rental house. There was a charter agreement in place. They stopped paying the rent 2 months agone, and we were almost to brainstorm eviction proceedings on them. Previously, when they didn't have the money for the rent, we had to use their eolith on file to pay for that rent three months agone. Therefore, we had no more eolith on file for them with which to protect ourselves for the future. These people turned out to be complete deadbeats and losers. A few days agone, they called to say they had moved out of their own accord. So, my father went to go look at the house and information technology looks like a hurricane had diddled through: not merely is there trash covering every square foot, but they smashed and damaged all that they could. The kicker is, a few weeks ago when my father went over to the house to brand a final plea for them to pay their rent, the kids were all domicile alone. They told my father that "daddy had to take mommy to the infirmary because she fell down the stairs and bankrupt her leg." My dad came home and said he thought they were trying to set a scam in order to sue, knowing they were late with the hire by 2 months. Sure enough, the other day, when the tenants chosen to say they had moved out, they said, in essence, that if nosotros come after them in court for the past due rent, they volition sue u.s.a. for the cleaved leg because the business firm was "uninhabitable" and the stairs were broken, causing the autumn. This couldn't be further from the truth. The business firm is in perfectly audio structural condition and was recently inspected upon purchase. This sounds like extortion. I chosen the Sheriff's dept., and they said there was nothing they can do, because it is all a purely ceremonious matter. I understand the landlord/tenant part is civil, but to destroy the firm and cause thousands of dollars in harm, how is this not a criminal human action? What recourse do we take and what should we exercise? We cannot beget an attorney.
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    Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the House Beyond Rec by Kat (Colorado) on August 20, 2009 @14:32
      Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the House Across Rec by Connie (Ca) on October 4, 2011 @07:47
    Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the Business firm Beyond Recog by Anonymous on October 7, 2014 @23:21 Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the Firm Beyond Recog by Joe Stacy (Hawaii) on May 23, 2018 @00:21
      Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the House Beyond Recog past Anonymous on May 23, 2018 @00:27
Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the House Beyond Recog by Jack Klein (NY) on August xx, 2009 @xvi:01 [ Reply ]

I am And so sorry to hear what happened.
This is the ugly side of being a landlord - to see what some people are capable of doing. Unfortunately, many of u.s.a. have been through this kind of affair more than than in one case. It happens in the best of backdrop- even past tenants who y'all'd never believe would do information technology.

TAKE PICTURES OF EVERYTHING before yous clean up. A pic is worth a thousand words in court.
It's no wonder she fell downwards the stairs- she probably tripped on some junk.

I would go after them anyhow. The broken leg is a non-event and would not be listened to by a approximate. That would have to exist a divide suit and your ins. co. would squash that.

Good luck.

Practise not say you can not afford an chaser. Too many landlords say that and and then let the tenants walk all over them. The fact is you tin not afford NOT to have an attorney.

Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the House Beyond Recog by Ultimate M-Bone on Baronial 20, 2009 @16:10 [ Reply ]

You telephone call the police out at that place and file a study for the intentional belongings destruction. Do not let that sheriff plough you the other manner. If the amercement are that extensive and particularly deliberate, you may desire to file a claim on your insurance for it, but yous will need the constabulary report.
Exercise not let the tenants use the broken leg scam to deliberatly intimidate you. Information technology's a shame what they accept done and you were as well squeamish and they more than took advantage of you. Promise everything works out for you.
Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the House Across Recog past Anonymous on August 20, 2009 @16:39 [ Answer ]

Kat, you have to footstep back and inquire yourself how you allow such distressing people rent your property in the first place. Did you perform all-encompassing screening on them including speaking with prior actual verified landlords, a credit cheque on both adults, criminal background checks, employment and wage verifications, visting their prior residence and more? Inquire yourself why you waited threescore days to brainstorm eviction? Yous should have issued a 3 24-hour interval pay or quit every bit shortly as the hire was tardily the first calendar month. You can't legally apply their deposit for dorsum rent until they take vacated and you exercise a last accounting. Did you perform periodic inspections on the holding, within and out, to encounter how they were taking care of the place?

Your adjacent footstep is suing them in pocket-sized claims court for all the damages.

    Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the House Beyond Recog by Doug Brown (Colorado) on January five, 2017 @17:05
Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the House Beyond Recog by Susan on August twenty, 2009 @17:eighteen [ Respond ]

WOW, I feel and then bad for you. First, NEVER use the security deposit for rent, that is non what it is for! Second, do not wait to start eviction (try a pay or quit first)when they are backside in rent. Does your homeowner's insurance cover vandalism? that is Not normal clothing & tear, Information technology IS a criminal human action. Make a police report. All-time of luck to you!
Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the House Beyond Recog by paul on Baronial 20, 2009 @17:23 [ Respond ]

I'm sad Kat; I concur with everyone here, it's truthful y'all were being too overnice, practise zippo to the house until you get your police report and record everything, pictures, videos etc. Terminate all communication with these deadbeats in person or past phone, Whatsoever communication you accept with them, make information technology IN WRITING. They're non going to send you a check for what they damaged, they could not even pay rent, so you're going to have to go to Pocket-sized Claims Court, but before you lot do, you lot need to dig up ALL the info yous need for the merits, damages, estimates, letters, reports, all of it.

I promise this all works out for you

Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the Firm Beyond Recog by P-Bone in WNY (NY) on Baronial 21, 2009 @07:20 [ Respond ]

I agree, that in order to practise everything properly and have the run a risk to save yourself, it would be a skillful thought to have an chaser. If things are done properly, it will be difficult to recover anything. I paid a Lawyer over $400 to legally evict someone that wasn't paying their last month'southward rent when I did not renew their calendar month-to-month tenancy. Believe me, having a judgment properly filed makes things like shooting fish in a barrel.

My previous tenant paid up on the rent and late fees due, but skipped out on the lawyer fees that she agreed would be paid within 30 days. Well, iii months later, final calendar week actually, I went to the County Clerk and filed an Execution Against Income and paid the County Sheriff to implement it. Gotta love it, the whole process downtown took me 30 minutes. Since she'southward a real estate agent, she really can't hide from me, woohoo.

Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the Firm Across Recog by Laura (PA) on August 21, 2009 @15:06 [ Reply ]

Take pics of the status of the house before you first clean-upwards. If they try to sue for the broken leg, show the pics in courtroom and merits she tripped over her own mess. I know exactly what you mean considering like so many of us I have also "been-there-done-that", so make sure you document the condition of the house with pics and/or video BEFORE you start the rehab. A flick is worth a thousand words, and the more you have, the more than words y'all have to work with.
    Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the House Beyond Recog by Landlord (California) on June 27, 2013 @23:29
Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the House Beyond Recog past JOE (Colorado ) on Oct 21, 2013 @22:39 [ Reply ]

I am going thru sort of the same procedure. My tenants haven't paid hire for 2 and a half months. so I am in the process of the evicting them, they had two pets and never reported them. Neighbors and HOAX complained about them every month, and then I said enough is enough. They are moving at present only I was told by my neighbors that they left the h2o running a dog locked inside the business firm that has pooped all over the place. As anyone know in Colorado if you leave the water running outside the pipes will burst when the cold weate hits. I am calling the cops tomorrow, this bone vandalism.
    Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the House Beyond Recog past Sunanda (Colorado) on March eighteen, 2014 @06:57
    Re: Tenant Beingness evicted and trashing home by Janet (CA) on June xiii, 2015 @12:36 Re: Tenant Beingness evicted and trashing domicile by Bearding on June thirteen, 2015 @12:41
Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the House Beyond Recog by Anonymous (Georgia) on October two, 2014 @11:26 [ Reply ]

I am sorry this happened to you. No one should get out a place that isn't theirs trashy or messy. I am seeking your help on a affair that concerns me. I was renting a dwelling house and moved out and cleaned up the identify and was told that I was going to be sued because it wasn't immacluate condition. Mind you information technology was that way when I moved in. Can I have your opinion on what I should do?
Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the House Beyond Recog by used and driveling (GA) on August four, 2016 @19:32 [ Reply ]

I definitely feel your hurting. Nosotros rented our domicile to a family who my husband knew and trusted. We had moved beyond state due to our jobs. This couple never paid their rent on time, we had sent messages of intent to evict just then they would come up with the rent. Finally, their charter was up and we thought we would exist finished with them. They did not leave the premises until ii 1/2 months after expiration of lease even though we stated that we had no intention to renew. When we finally had them removed, I was utterly heartbroken at the pictures that our agent forwarded to us of the condition of our habitation. There is no way that nosotros tin can afford to make the repairs, it is going to cost us thousands. Nosotros did not get a security deposit from them, my husband didn't think it was necessary because he knew them, boy if I had a crystal ball. We are unable to hire or sell our once beautiful dwelling because it is not livable in the condition it is in currently. What recourse do we accept? I guess I am venting, I know now we did everything wrong when it comes to renting a property. I approximate the biggest lesson we learned is don't rent to family unit or friends, get references, and background checks, and brand certain you get a security eolith, oh and don't fall for sob stories.
Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the House Beyond Recog past California Landlord (California) on January sixteen, 2017 @15:42 [ Reply ]

The liberal state of California is the worst identify to be a landlord. The tenant head to the courtroom business firm to get legal advice on what to do and say when they cannot pay the rent. Its basically like find things broken. In liberal broken California landlords are all treated as slumlords. The law is and so abusive in this state and anti business.
The courts do not know who is paying their pensions. Its the business human being? landlord fighting to go on tenants from destroying property, not pay rent and frivolous law suits. The best thing you can exercise when yous retire , sell yous're rental and move.
I grew up in California and love living here merely the anti business organization laws, the ever growing lawyer infested state, anti business, anti landlord state volition wearable y'all down.Take you're money and run to a state where yous are not punished for creating jobs, punished for a solid work ethic and not paying higher taxes then a govt matrimony worker can retire with 90 % of his or her benefits at age fifty while yous are over worked until 70. Its hard to be a landlord here in California, you lot are treated as public enemy number one and its and so liberal here that yo are extorted past you lot're tenants, suffer property losses that the courtroom system is geared to deprive y'all no matter what testify you present. California is not a business friendly state its just liberal carnage where dead beats and crooks can strive.
Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the House Beyond Recog past Anonymous on Jan 16, 2017 @15:42 [ Reply ]

The liberal state of California is the worst place to exist a landlord. The tenant caput to the courtroom house to get legal communication on what to do and say when they cannot pay the hire. Its basically like observe things broken. In liberal cleaved California landlords are all treated as slumlords. The law is so abusive in this state and anti business concern.
The courts do not know who is paying their pensions. Its the business man? landlord fighting to keep tenants from destroying holding, non pay rent and frivolous police force suits. The all-time affair you can practice when you retire , sell you're rental and motility.
I grew up in California and love living hither but the anti business laws, the ever growing lawyer infested state, anti business organization, anti landlord land will wear you downwardly.Take you're money and run to a state where you are not punished for creating jobs, punished for a solid work ethic and not paying higher taxes so a govt wedlock worker can retire with 90 % of his or her benefits at age 50 while yous are over worked until 70. Its hard to be a landlord here in California, yous are treated as public enemy number one and its so liberal here that yo are extorted by y'all're tenants, suffer property losses that the court system is geared to deprive you no matter what testify you present. California is not a concern friendly state its just liberal carnage where dead beats and crooks can strive.
Re: Tenant Moved Out, Trashed the Firm Beyond Recog past Anonymous on January 29, 2018 @03:55 [ Reply ]

I feel for you!! as correct now I'am going through the aforementioned effect as you are. My tenant don't pay rent since November. 2017, and now file a claim against us do to the concrete porch broke. Assume cause past tenant just we accept no proof. We even offer him for all the unpaid rent not to be pay dorsum too offering money, merely still non enough and he threatening to crusade more than damage. I feel the police is and then unfair to the landlord who are in this type of situation and the law even so protect the tenant rights strongly. Nosotros the landlord has to follow all the law required otherwise have to pay for the penalty if not follow appropriately, merely other hand tenant can practise what ever they want and the law nonetheless protect them. My wife and I we both worked ii jobs to get this modest duplex holding, at present our dreams is destroyed. I hopped this will end. financially, emotionally is very distressful. I hopped in the future the law maker have some sympathy toward the landlord who is the victim of this tennant from Hell!!!

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Source: https://www.thelpa.com/lpa/forum-thread/184562/Tenant-Moved-Out%2C-Trashed-the-House-Beyond-Recog.html

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